Obese men are equally interested in sex as normal men but they fail to perform in bed due to their unmanageable weight. Lack of sexual performance endangers their personal relationship. Due to the poor sexual performance throughout, their partners might avoid them. And this could lead to reduced sexual desires.
Theere was some research on it and The prevalence of ED was higher among the younger obese nonsmokers than obese smokers. Premature ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, and sexual desire disorders were all unrelated to overweight or obesity. Conclusion. Obesity (BMI >/= 30 kg/m(2)) seems associated with ED among younger men aged 20-45 years. Health programs directed toward preventing obesity in younger men may benefit from informing about an almost three-fold occurrence of erectile dysfunction associated with obesity.Obesity is the base of all the human ailments. Heart problems, diabetes, certain types of cancer are all associated with obesity. An obese is at a risk of blood vessel blockage which causes erectile dysfunction. It strains the cardio vascular system too.
Overcoming Obesity for sexual performance
1) Meet up with a doctor and choose from diet pills, surgeries or diet plans to a speedy recovery from Obesity.
2) Change every food in your diet which makes you fat.
3) Motivate yourself by indulging in exercise and outdoor activities.
4) Talk to your partner about your performance problem and work out a plan together.
5) Find out simpler ways to make love. Position yourself in such a way that your partner doesn't feel suffocated.
6) Try to give and take emotional support as both of you need it the most now.
7) If your partner is obese support, encourage and motivate him to overcome Obesity.
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