General notion prevails that sex only provided pleasure and that’s all. But there are so many other advantageous things related to sex have been proved by the researchers. It is now proved that sex is necessary for many more other reasons than just for physical pleasure.
Sex is a boom for health conditions. Sexual activity is a form of physical exercise. Making love three times a week burns around 7,500 calories in a year. It’s the equivalent of jogging 75 miles. A night of love can raise the amount of oxygen in cells helping to keep organs and tissues functioning at their peak. Making love regularly can lower levels of the body’s total cholesterol slightly, while positively changing the ratio of good to bad cholesterol.
Sexual activity also helps keep bone and muscles strong. According to Dr. Karen Donahey, director of sex and marital therapy program at Chicago’s Northwestern University Medical center, any kind of physical exercise is going to increase testosterone. Testosterone is believed to help keep men’s bone and muscles strong.
And according to Dr. Beverly Whipple, president-elect of the American Association of Sex Educators, Counselors and Therapists, sex can lower levels of arthritic pain, whiplash pain and headache. Hormones that are released during sexual excitement and orgasm can elevate pain thresholds.
A popular supplemental hormone called DHEA (Dehydropiandrosterone) is released naturally during lovemaking just before orgasm and ejaculation.
According to the researchers, prostate trouble may arise or be worsened by fluid buildup within the gland. Regular ejaculation will help wash out those fluids. Be cautious when suddenly changing frequency. Sudden changes may also trigger prostate problems. Donahey also opines that sex can be a very effective way of reducing stress levels.
An affectionate touch will increase levels of Oxytocin, which is known as the bonding hormone.It is a desire-enhancing chemical secreted by the pituitary. Regular Oxytocin release may help encourage frequent lovemaking. Regular lovemaking can increase a woman’s estrogen level, protect her heart and keep her vaginal tissues more supple.
All this indicates that people who are avoiding sex or are unable to perform sex, actually depriving themselves of not only physical pleasure but also of many physical advantages. This is a caution for people who are ignoring their condition of Erectile Dysfunction, which stops them from indulging in sexual activities. It’s high time they suffered from it. Now they should ask their doctors about the generic drugs like generic Viagra, kamagra, caverta, etc. which are less expensive medications for Erectile Dysfunction, get treated and get an improved sexual health and all the physical advantages along with that. One can also buy Sildenafil Citrate (ED treatment) and all the generic drugs online.
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