Most bedroom problems boil down to this: Men are microwaves and women are slow cookers.
With men, all you have to do is push a few buttons and we"re hotter than a habanero. But with women, it"s an all-day process. You have to buy the ingredients, mix them together, and then put everything in the pot and let it simmer and simmer. and simmer.
That"s why we"re offering a microwave mentality for the Crock-Pot reality: quick, easy things you can do to make her heating speeds better match yours. Our suggestions take anywhere from a few seconds to a few minutes. The payoff? They"ll quickly adjust her thermostat to high heat.
Good kissing tops most women's lists of turn-ons, but don't underestimate the heating power of a great hug, especially when she initiates it. "Let her know how much you savor it," says Lou Paget, author of 365 Days of Sensational Sex. Make it clear you don't want the hug to end.
Women love to hear men use their names. The more unexpected the place—like in the middle of a sentence—the better. Better still, write her name on your shoulder, your hand, or anyplace she'll have a chance of spotting it. It's a tattoo without pain—one that gives only pleasure. "It will make her laugh and think you're so adorable," says Davidson. "It says, 'You matter.' "
In public, at a party, tell her what you want to do to her later: "Tonight, I'm going to make you have as many orgasms as possible." For women, anticipating it can be as exciting as the actual event.
For years there have been many different theories on how to do fat burning exercises. Some of these theories can actually lead to the weight gain of many people who have tried to get toned by doing what doesn’t work. There are couple of reasons why people fail when trying to achieve physical fitness.
Although it is a combination of diet and exercise, it can also depend on genetics and the overall health of the person trying to lose fat and build muscle. As a rule, activity and working out helps do both, but for some, it doesn’t seem to make a difference. For some, they are doing things that should be avoided when trying to tone up.
Many myths revolve around weight loss. Some even increase pounds and fat. The following is just a couple of things that you should consider when trying to burn body fat. These are just a few of the many that can be found on the World Wide Web, in libraries and in health magazines.
1. Don’t skip meals. Although skipping meals can help decrease the amount of calories taken in for the moment, it often leads to bingeing later in the day. The calories will be consumed later, causing a less chance at burning them off before bedtime. Skipping a meal can cause the person trying to diet to binge, consuming twice as much calories as they intended to. Skipping meals also causes the body to go into starvation mode. This results in the reservation of fat, slowing the burning process.
2. Eating breakfast can actually help curb your appetite. This is the most important meal of the day because it keeps the body going through the morning hours. We sleep for around 8 hours a night, but the body keeps working as normal. It needs to be replenished to keep from energy being wasted.
3. Cardio exercise should be done before breakfast. Don’t wait until the end of the day for a couple of reasons. It helps speed metabolism and works to strengthen the lungs and heart. This is very important when it comes to taking care of your health. Cardio exercise is essential for a healthy body, heart and lungs. When you do it early, before breakfast is advised, it can greatly increasing the fat burning process of your metabolism.
It is very important to talk to your doctor before starting any diet and exercise program. Some people have special health concerns that require a professional’s guidance. Starting slowly with the exercise and healthy eating is one way of getting your body to adjust to the physical activity. Making sure you have the correct regime for you could be the difference between achieving or failing at your fat loss goals.
Using the correct way of exercising and dieting is essential to learning how to do fat burning exercises. There are many ways of achieving your fat loss goals, but it is important to realize that one regime may not work. Read more!
The Cookie Diet is one of the latest fad diets to hit the Hollywood scene—and a Walgreens near you. Founded by Dr. Sanford Siegal, this cookie-based diet suggests that you can lose up to 10 pounds a month by having a cookie three or four times a day and one light, real meal. We're wary about this crazy diet and you should be too. Nutrition expert Madelyn Fernstrom, CNS, Ph.D., shares seven ways the Cookie Diet can go wrong... 1 Fatigue On this diet, you consume only 800 to 1,000 calories per day. The recommendation for women age 31 to 50 is between 1,800 to 2,200 calories. An extremely low daily calorie intake can cause fatigue.6 Lack of Protein
By consuming only one meal a day that isn't a cookie, you may not get enough protein. Every individual needs at least 50 grams of protein daily. To calculate how much you need, cut your body weight in half. (For example, a 150-pound person needs about 75 grams daily.) 2 Constipation cookies are high in fiber. If you're not drinking enough water, there's a possibility of constipation with the consumption of this extra fiber. 3 Irritability
Extremely low daily calorie intake can cause irritability.
4 Calcium Deficiency
On this diet, you wouldn't have cookies and milk. Therefore, your calcium intake may be low.
5 Unable to Exercise Daily exercise is part of a healthy lifestyle. When you're not consuming enough calories, there's a high possibility that you will tire quickly or be too tired to even exercise, making your workouts inefficient or making you unmotivated to work out. 6 Lack of Nutrition
On this diet, you're cutting out fruits and vegetables from most of your meals, so you're lacking phytochemicals, or health-promoting plant products. you will still need the essential vitamins and minerals from whole foods to have good health
Yes,Women have sex.The most frequent reasons include:sexual attraction to the person, the desire for physical pleasure, to express affection, to express their love for a person or because they were sexually aroused and wanted release.Other important reasons are to boost their self-esteem or sexual esteem, to get revenge, to secure "mate insurance" in case a partner dumps them, to relieve pain, to achieve health benefits such as getting rid of a headache — yes, it works — to decrease stress, to lose weight and as a sleep aid. We devote one chapter to "sexual economics," which focuses on all the ways in which women have sex as an exchange for other benefits, such as getting her partner to take out the garbage, securing free dinners or getting expensive gifts. We also devote one chapter to what we call "the dark side" of women's sexuality — when women have sex because they were deceived, coerced or forced into it.So can you have sex like a man? Of course. Should you? Well, that’s up to you.
In the end:
(1) It’s your call: You can have sex like a man, but just know that the more casual the situation, the less likely it is you’ll achieve orgasm or any emotional state of happiness.
(2) Trust what sex tells you: If you feel angry or regretful after a sexual encounter, listen to it. Conversely, if you feel a sense of warmth, you might be onto something. (3) The means or the end? Can you compartmentalize between the pleasures of sex and its emotional qualities? If you’re having casual sex as a means to an end (the pleasure of a flesh-on-flesh orgasm), navigating the “means” may be trickier than expected.
(4) Define yourself: Some sex acts carry more weight than others for a whole variety of reasons — rational and irrational. Even if something seems irrational, trust your instincts.
(5)Don’t internalize: Social judgments and your own moral compass may make you feel like what you’re doing is wrong. If so, change your behavior, but don’t internalize the judgments of others. Read more!
Read more! Sexual positions to keep the bedroom exciting and vibrant:
The Hoovering of the Floor The male stands behind the female and lifts her by the thighs, pulling her vagina onto his penis. She supports herself on her hands. Try walking around the room while doing this. The Playing of the Cello She lies on her back and places her ankles on one of his shoulders. He clings onto her shins while thrusting. His hands can fondle her breasts at the same time.
The Riding of the Steer He lies on his back while she ‘sits’ on his penis. She lifts herself up and down by gripping his kneecaps and he guides her with his hands on her buttocks.
The Persuading of the Debtor The male kneels down and lifts the female’s legs up over his shoulders as though attempting to empty her pockets of small change. He then slides his penis downwards into her. The Sitting on the Toilet The male lies on his back with his knees bent forming the shape of a toilet. She sits on his penis and moves up and down. Great for circus acts. The Rocking Recliner He lies on his back. She is on all fours facing upwards and moves back and forth.
The Black Bee He sits down with his hands placed on the floor behind his back. She sits on top of him with her hands on his shoulders while moving up and down. The Spoon She lies on her side and he penetrates her from behind in a side on position. Ideal for men with a large penis size.
The Sixty Niner For lovers of oral sex! Both give and receive at the same time. Either partner can be on top. Ideal for same sex partners as well.
The Reverse Piggy-Back He stands and lifts her by her buttocks with her back against the wall for support. She warps her legs around his thighs as he penetrates her. A great way to get fit.
The Missionary Position The most popular of the positions. She opens her legs as he positions himself between them in place for the most direct penetration. The simple thrust of the hips gives an easy and effective in - out action. The Advanced Black Bee Same as the Black Bee but she has her legs on his shoulders. The Horizontal Reverse This is simila to the Reverse Woman on Top - in this position her breasts and hands are able to massage his thighs and shins. Read more!
The change from child to adult is an especially dangerous time for adolescents in our society. From their earliest years, children watch television shows and movies that insist that "sex appeal" is a personal quality that people need to develop to the fullest. Teenagers are at risk not only from AIDS and STDs -- but from this sort of mass-market encouragement.
A teenage girl's weight, or perception of her weight, may affect her odds of risky sexual behavior, a new study suggests.
The study, of nearly 7,200 U.S. high school girls, found that in general, sexually active girls who were underweight were less likely than their normal-weight peers to use condoms. The same was true of girls who viewed themselves as overweight — accurately or not — when compared with girls who perceived themselves as normal-weight.
The findings, researchers report in the journal Pediatrics, "add to a growing body of literature that girls at the weight extremes may be at increased risk for engaging in sexual risk-taking behaviors."
Exactly why this is the case is not fully clear. And the current study found that the question becomes more complicated when race is considered — with weight and perceptions of weight having different effects on white, black and Latina girls' sexual behavior. The findings also suggested variability in the girls' sexual activity and sexual risk-taking behavior based on their ethnicity and actual or perceived weight.
(1) Caucasian girls who believed that they were underweight, whether accurate or not, were more likely to have had sex and to have had four or more sexual partners. Overweight Caucasian girls were less likely to use condoms. (2) Underweight African-American girls also were less likely to use condoms while overweight African-American girls reported four or more sexual partners. (3) Latina girls of all weights were more likely to engage in a wide variety of sexual risk behaviors -- lack of condom or oral contraception use, sex before age 13, greater than four sexual partners and use of alcohol.
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Giving up smoking is one of the most effective ways of prolonging your life and improving its quality. Remember making the decision to quit is important. Even if you have tried and failed before does not mean you will fail again.
1. Cigarette smoking has been identified as the most important source of preventable morbidity and premature mortality in the United States and the world. 2. Smoking-related diseases cause an estimated 440,000 American deaths each year. 3. Smoking costs the United States over $150 billion annually in health care costs. 4. A 2004 Study by the CDC's National Center for Chronic Disease Prevention and Health Promotion found that cigarette smoke contains over 4,800 chemicals, 69 of which are known to cause cancer. 5. Women account for 39 percent of all smoking deaths.
Smoking Kills. There is positive, undeniable evidence of this and yet a few people still cling to stories that help them to 'prove' the opposite. You know the sort of thing, 'my Aunt Masie smoked 50 a day, lived until she was 92 and never had a day of illness'. Back on earth - in the United States, an estimated 25.5 million men (24.1 percent) and 21.5 million women (19.2 percent) are smokers. At a conservative estimate 300,000 people in the USA and 120,000 people in the UK die of smoking related illnesses.
Be clear about why you want to quit smoking Health concerns are usually the most important consideration but smoking is also expensive and anti-social. It has a negative effect on the way you look (after a couple of years your skin tone and color can change, a blue purple tint is not attractive), it can make you look older and smokers are more likely to have gum disease. Generic amoxil pills Generic acomplia pills
Obese men are equally interested in sex as normal men but they fail to perform in bed due to their unmanageable weight. Lack of sexual performance endangers their personal relationship. Due to the poor sexual performance throughout, their partners might avoid them. And this could lead to reduced sexual desires.
Theere was some research on it and The prevalence of ED was higher among the younger obese nonsmokers than obese smokers. Premature ejaculation, retarded ejaculation, and sexual desire disorders were all unrelated to overweight or obesity. Conclusion. Obesity (BMI >/= 30 kg/m(2)) seems associated with ED among younger men aged 20-45 years. Health programs directed toward preventing obesity in younger men may benefit from informing about an almost three-fold occurrence of erectile dysfunction associated with obesity.Obesity is the base of all the human ailments. Heart problems, diabetes, certain types of cancer are all associated with obesity. An obese is at a risk of blood vessel blockage which causes erectile dysfunction. It strains the cardio vascular system too. Overcoming Obesity for sexual performance
1) Meet up with a doctor and choose from diet pills, surgeries or diet plans to a speedy recovery from Obesity. 2) Change every food in your diet which makes you fat. 3) Motivate yourself by indulging in exercise and outdoor activities. 4) Talk to your partner about your performance problem and work out a plan together. 5) Find out simpler ways to make love. Position yourself in such a way that your partner doesn't feel suffocated. 6) Try to give and take emotional support as both of you need it the most now. 7) If your partner is obese support, encourage and motivate him to overcome Obesity.
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Allergies occur when the body's immune system overreacts to a substance that is normally harmless (allergen), such as mold, pollen, animal dander or dust mites. The white blood cells of an allergic individual produce an antibody called immunoglobulin E (IgE), which attaches to the allergen. This triggers the release of histamine and other inflammatory chemicals that cause allergic symptoms, such as runny nose and watery eyes.
During the test, the skin is exposed to different allergens and then observed for an allergic reaction. Qualified healthcare providers can use the test to determine whether allergy-like symptoms are immune-mediated, and they can identify the specific substance(s) that trigger the reaction. Skin testing is often used to diagnose allergic conditions, including allergic asthma, dermatitis (eczema) and hay fever.
The results of a skin test can help a doctor develop an appropriate allergy treatment plan that may include allergen avoidance, lifestyle changes to reduce allergen exposure, medication or allergy shots.
How Long Does an Allergy Skin Test Take?
If you're having an allergy skin test, plan to spend about an hour for the entire appointment. For the scratch and intradermal skin tests, the allergen placement part of the test takes about 5 to 10 minutes. Then you will have to wait about 15 minutes to see how your skin reacts.
Patch tests take longer, as you must wear the patch for about 48 hours to determine if there is a delayed reaction. During this time, bathing and swimming should be avoided. You will return to the doctor after the specified period of time to have the area(s) checked.
How Should I Prepare for an Allergy Skin Test?
Inform the health care provider who is going to perform your allergy skin test about all medicines you are taking, including over-the-counter drugs.
Since allergy medicines, including over-the-counter antihistamines, stop allergic reactions, you should not take them for a few days before the test. Talk to your doctor about discontinuing your allergy medicines prior to the test.
Your doctor will give you a list of medicines to avoid before the test, since there are other drugs that can interfere with the results. Since you may not be able to discontinue certain medicines, the doctor or nurse may perform a separate "control" test to determine if that particular drug will interfere with the scratch test.
There have been many studies done to affirm the notion that depression, particularly in women, can often lead to overweight. Feelings of low self-esteem and low self-worth are keys to the door of self-hatred, leading all too often to depression. People try to stuff their feelings by stuffing their faces, cramming the pain down with food rather than letting it out and ridding themselves of it. Conversely, overweight can lead to depression. While we can't claim to give the answers to the dilemma here, on these pages, we can offer some suggestions to follow which may help lead a person back to a healthy weight and perhaps, ultimately to a healthy life.
Treating Obesity and Depression
As they attempt to understand the link between depression and obesity, doctors also are trying to figure out how to treat both conditions in a way that will produce overall good results.
(1) Depression. Successfully treating depression can be a lot easier than successfully treating obesity, so doctors recommend that people with depressive symptoms — especially if they are adolescents — seek treatment as soon as possible. Treatment can include psychotherapy or antidepressants.
(2) Obesity. A study of people who underwent bariatric surgery for their obesity found that as they shed pounds, they also shed their depression. A year after surgery, the subjects had experienced a 77 percent loss of excess body weight, and an accompanying 18 percent reduction in symptoms of depression. Younger people, women, and those who experienced greater weight-loss results were more likely to feel less depressed.
These results indicate that a team approach might be best for dealing with depression and obesity. Your family physician can help craft a plan of diet and exercise that will lead to healthy weight loss. You might want to bring in a nutritionist or personal trainer to help you better follow your physician's weight-loss plan. At the same time, a psychologist or psychiatrist can help you deal with your feelings of depression and confront the stress, anxiety, or other triggers that are leading to your depression and obesity. Finally, you may also benefit from the use of antidepressants. Generic acomplia sildenafil citrate
Question: My girlfriend and I have had sex with each other in the past, but recently we realized it's wrong to have sex until marriage. The thing is, we have both had sex in other dating relationships, too. She seems to be handling it OK, but I am really bothered when I think about her not being a virgin. It gets even worse when I hear sermons that tell me sex is a bond that can never be broken. I really do love her, and don't want to see her hurt, but I can't stop thinking about her past. I know it's a double standard because I used to be even more sexually active than she was. But I can't help how I feel. I guess I've experienced first-hand why God says don't have sex until marriage: it really messes things up. Can you offer me some advice?
ans: Before I offer you any advice, I want to applaud your decision. You've made a good choice. Here's why I think you're struggling: Your situation is kind of like a smoker who has quit, but who still longs for cigarettes, resents smokers who haven't quit, and has the effects of nicotine still working on his body. You've made the decision to stop having sex until you commit to marriage, but you're still dealing with the "residue" of your earlier choices.
What do you do? First, accept that you have to be patient. As you say, you can't help how you feel, even if those feelings are irrational. Feelings change, though. If you can carry on a healthy, positive relationship with your girlfriend, the feelings will gradually change.
In the meantime, here's some advice from the Bible on how to treat one another: "Love each other as brothers and sisters and honor others more than you do yourself Never give up. Eagerly follow the Holy Spirit and serve the Lord. Let your hope make you glad. Be patient in time of trouble and never stop praying."
Building a healthy relationship means keeping sex under control.
Cancer Risk 1: Tobacco Tobacco kills. Smoking can damage almost every organ in your body and is a known cause of at least 15 different types of cancer.
The risks for cancer aren't limited to cigarettes. Cigars, pipes, chewing tobacco, and the smokelesss tobacco called snuff are all linked to cancer.
Cancer Risk 2: Obesity Being overweight or obese is a known cancer cause. In fact, excess weight is linked to an increased risk for developing more than a dozen types of cancer, including breast and pancreatic cancers. The American Cancer Society stresses the need to keep your weight in check by, first, eating right:
1. Eat a diet limited in processed and red meats and including five or more servings of fruits and vegetables every day. Eat whole grains instead of processed grains. 2. Limit your alcohol intake to one drink per day for women or two for men.
Cancer Risk 3: No Exercise Diet alone usually isn't enough to maintain a healthy body and cut your cancer risk. So, pick an activity that suits your level of fitness and get moving.
1. Adults should be physically active for at least 30 minutes on five or more days a week. 2. Children should engage in physical play for at least 60 minutes five days per week.
Cancer Risk 4: Sun Exposure About one million cases of skin cancer are diagnosed each year in the United States and most are sun related. Melanoma, the most serious skin cancer, can be fatal. You can lower your risk for skin cancer by limiting the time that you spend in the sun, especially between 10 a.m. and 4 p.m. Take these additional steps:
1. Seek out shade, especially during the middle of the day. 2. Use sunscreen and wear protective clothing, specifically the kind you can't see through when held up to a light. 3. Wear a hat and protect your eyes with sunglasses that have 99 percent UV absorption. 4. Follow these rules even on cloudy days. 5. Avoid sun lamps and tanning beds because they can cause the same type of skin damage as the sun.
Cancer Risk 5: Infection Infections from viruses, bacteria, and parasites are a known cancer risk in up to 20 percent of all cancers. Several of those viruses are sexually transmitted, such as human papillomavirus (HPV) and human immunodeficiency virus (HIV).
You can reduce your risk for getting these types of viruses by using condoms during sex. Women can reduce their risk of cancer from HPV by getting a vaccine. In fact, the American Cancer Society now recommends the HPV vaccine for girls who are nine and older.
Cancer Risk 6: Chemical Exposure A variety of substances found in common products are known to be a cancer cause. Two of particular interest:
1. Asbestos, a fibrous substance, is found in many older buildings where it was used as insulation and as a fire-retardant; inhaling it can cause cancer. So be sure to have your home checked for asbestos before beginning any sort of renovation. Carpenters and other skilled workers who deal with remodeling older homes should investigate proper safety precautions before working in buildings that contain asbestos. 2. Tetrachloroethylene is a solvent used in dry cleaning. While wearing dry-cleaned clothes isn't considered dangerous, those who work in a dry cleaning business should change clothes after work, wash work clothes regularly, and keep their food out of the work area.
Cancer Risk 7: Consumer Products Antiperspirants, talcum powder, hair dye, aspartame, and some cosmetics have all been reported as possible cancer causes, often incorrectly. The truth is that there is no conclusive evidence that any of these products cause cancer. But the U.S. Food and Drug Administration continues to monitor various studies and issues periodic updates.
A mans biggest fear when it comes to sex is whether or not his partner will think he is good in bed. Lots of men suffer with the insecurity that if they do not perform up to a woman’s expectations that they will seek out another lover as a result. One of the most important sexual topics to a man is the improvement of their sexual performance. If you are one of these men, here are few suggestions for you to help you overcome your fears, increase your sexual stamina, and improve your sexual performance:
(1) Start an exercise regime. Cardiovascular exercise increases circulation. This means that blood more readily reaches your genital area during sex. As a result, you will be able to last and enjoy sex for longer periods of time. In addition, cardio improves your endurance, making you better equipped for rigorous romps in bed. Try to get at least 30 minutes of cardiovascular exercise three to five times per week.
(2) Masturbate regularly. If you masturbate frequently, you'll be less likely to ejaculate quickly during sex. If you usually ejaculate fairly quickly, try masturbating a few hours before you have sex. It will help to improve your stamina and delay ejaculation.
(3) Take herbal supplements, which stimulate sexual stamina. Such herbs as catuaba bark and yohimbe improve sexual stamina. As with any herbal supplements, talk to your doctor before you begin taking either.
(4) Experiment with different sexual positions. If you have trouble lasting in a particular position, try something different. Men typically ejaculate more quickly when they are on top. Delay ejaculation by having your partner on top or opt for a side-by-side sexual position.
(5) Get adequate sleep each night. If you are getting less than seven hours sleep nightly, it may negatively affect your sexual performance. Increase your nightly sleep to at least seven hours and you'll likely notice an improvement in your sexual stamina.
(6) Slow your breathing. Short, quick breaths are associated with orgasms. If you feel you are near climax, slow down your breathing. You can often delay your orgasm by simply changing your breathing pattern.
(7) Enjoy the experience. Try to relax and focus on your partner. If you are anxious about your sexual stamina, it will exacerbate endurance issues. Pay attention to details about your partner's body and adopt a positive outlook on the experience.
Read more! Kiss is a art.If you know this art then you can enjoy sex very well.Kissing is not limited to lips. Don't only kiss the lips. Kiss all the parts of the face. Kiss his/her eyes, cheeks, forehead, neck, and hands. Remember ‘he’ must watch out that ‘she’ is comfortable. Then she will be more relaxed, and will appreciate your kiss if it's sincere. Beware! She'll definitely notice if it's fake. Finally, imagination is all yours.
There is only one way to make your kissing more romantic and that is to use your imagination. But, that being said, there are a thousand different things you could do once your imagination gets going. Just think what would be romantic for you. Usually this involves being together with the one you love, being close and communicating romantically. Togetherness involves privacy because if you're on a public street it's more difficult to focus on your partner. So think of places like a park, a beach at sunset, or — a cruise ship. Hey, the idea of an ocean cruise sounds romantic to me! If you can't get on a real cruise, well, you could talk about planning one with your partner. Anticipation is part of the fun.
Being close involves proximity. You want to be close enough to give him a playful punch on the arm or close enough, in other words, to touch. If you're this close you're either being very romantic or wrestling.
Communicating romantically means plenty of eye contact, maintaining a good sense of humor and smiling. Learn a few jokes and spring them on your lover when you're together. All these things will make your kisses romantic.
As to how to improve your kissing, Try lip kisses, neck and ear kisses, sliding and upside-down kisses, lip-o-suction, biting kisses and any others your imagination can devise on the spur of the moment. In this way you'll expand your kissing abilities and have more fun too.
Erection problems occur when men are unable to achieve or maintain an erection that is firm enough for then to engage in sexual intercourse. Erection problems can be several types - one may not get an erection at all, or may lose it during intercourse before he is ready. If such a condition persists, it is called erectile dysfunction in medical terms. It hasbeen found that there is an association between erection and men's health problems. A man having good erection does usually have a good health and vice versa. A stiffer erection means better health.
Since erection is a complex process involving a man's brain, nerves, hormones, and blood vessels, any problem with any of them can disrupt erection. Men's health problems that are linked with erectile dysfunctions may include diabetes, high blood pressure, heart or thyroid conditions, poor circulation, low testosterone, depression, spinal cord injury, nerve damage (maybe due to prostate surgery), or neurological disorders Parkinson's disease. Some medications, excessive use of tobacco or alcohol, fear, anxiety may also lead to erection problems.
Earlier, erection problems considered to be "all in the man's mind." As if everything would be alright if he didn't worry" or just relaxed so that it would ill take care of itself. But doctors at present believe that if the problem persists, physical and health problems are the most likely cause.
Recently, various studies have revealed that if a man's blood vessels are healthy and "elastic," his heart and brain function satisfactorily, and he gets a nice, hard erection. Good, hard erection occurs when a man's neural links are in action, nitric oxide is released in big quantities throughout his body and his cognition is at a high level. If a man has normal testosterone levels and is not overweight, he can train quite effectively and achieve a rock solid erection. It is imperative for a man to understand the link between erection and good health so that he learns to take better care of himself.
Although erection problems like losing hardness is often attributed to aging, the main reasons behind this are poor nutrition and sedentary living without any physical activity. In fact, good erection is an indicator of a man's good overall health condition. A study conducted in England
In some cases, erection problems indicate the onset of other health problems in men. For example, when atherosclerosis begins to set in, it gradually clogs up the small vessels in the penis. The symptom often appears there first, long before it shows up in the coronary arteries of the heart. For men, the nature of their erection, especially its loss of hardness, is to be taken as a warning that some heart problems might be on their way.
So, whenever an erectile problem does not disappear on its own, it is wise to consult a doctor who will trace the cause and suggest remedies. Self-treatment might be harmful because the drugs often have side effects of different kinds.It revealed that men who experience at least three orgasms per week run much lower risk of heart attack or stroke than those who indulge in sex less often.